Reference architecture of an Internal Developer Platform on AWS
See the reference architecture of the Internal Developer Platform on AWS. This IDP streamlines development, boosts DevEx, and enhances Ops efficiency with automation and cloud-native tech.

Platform engineering enables organizations to modernize their software delivery through enterprise-grade Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs). This whitepaper explores a major Fintech enterprises journey in adopting platform engineering and how their IDP on AWS improves developer experience and operational efficiency.
Based on real-world implementation, this whitepaper will answer:
- What are the key challenges that adopting platform engineering can solve
- How can you design and implement a Internal Developer Platform on AWS
- What best practices and technologies power a good platform’s architecture?
Presented at PlatformCon 2024, This transformation showcases the power of platform engineering in FinTech. This IDP accelerates development, empowers developers, and optimizes costs through automation and cloud-native technologies.