For Organizations

Platform Engineering Fundamentals

Craft a joint mission and vision for your platform team. Advocate it internally across all stakeholder groups.

When should you consider this

You inherited a mix of DevOps, SRE, Cloud Ops, Infra, etc, teams that now sit in the platform org, but have no clear understanding of platform engineering key concepts and lack a joint mission and vision.
No Platform as a Product mindset
Previous DevOps, SRE, Infra Engineers approach your platform as a one time project vs a product with a multi-year lifecycle. They lack the Platform as a Product mindset necessary for platform success.
Lack of internal buy-in and dev adoption
You struggle to show value internally for your platform engineering initiative and get buy-in across all stakeholder groups (execs, security, architects, etc.). You see low or no platform adoption by devs.

What you can expect

Virtual and in-person instructor-led sessions, tailored to your org
Get everyone on the same page with key concepts and definitions
Deep dive sessions on advanced topics for specific teams
External validation of market best practice and industry benchmarks
Minimum Viable Platform kick-off onboarding first app and related infra
Platform Engineering Fundamentals
$2,000 per CERTIFIED ENGINEER  // min. 15 trainees