Backstage: The costliest mistake in platform engineering?
Many organizations mistakenly believe that integrating Backstage into their infrastructure automatically results in a complete Internal Developer Platform. While Backstage can serve as a helpful starting point, it falls short of unlocking the full potential of platform engineering. Real platform engineering goes beyond just a frontend like Backstage, it demands a powerful and well-designed platform backend to succeed.
In this webinar, you'll learn why a successful platform requires both a robust frontend and backend. Kaspar will showcase how to integrate open-source tools like Score and Backstage with a Platform Orchestrator, such as Humanitec, to build a powerful, enterprise-grade Internal Developer Platform (IDP).
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- Combining Backstage as the platform frontend with a Platform Orchestrator as the backend to create a seamless developer experience.
- Leveraging IDP reference architectures as blueprints for scalable enterprise solutions.
- A live demo showcasing the developer workflow on a fully-featured platform.