WTF! Internal Developer Platform vs Internal Developer Portal vs PaaS
Confused about IDPs? We set the record straight on Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs) vs internal developer portals vs PaaS, and what it means to ship one.
Luca and Josh will dissect the concept of abstraction layers and platforms, looking at how this applies to Internal Developer Platforms to enable developer self-service and reduce cognitive load. They’ll dive into the key capabilities of IDPs and their five planes (Developer Control, Integration and Delivery, Monitoring and Logging, Security, Resource). They will also discuss the role of platform orchestrators and portals, and how IDPs compare to PaaS offerings. Attendees will gain clear insights into these platform engineering elements and practical guidance for implementing effective IDPs - platforms and portals!
In the webinar, speakers will discuss:
- What is an Internal Developer Platform?
- What is an Internal Developer Portal?
- What is a PaaS?
- The easiest way to start building an enterprise-grade Internal Developer Platform.